Create snapshot

Filter results

Export data


Perform airdrops

Create snapshot

Create a snapshot by selecting your collection from the collections indexed by Scalp Empire. Confirm your selection and order the snapshot.

Snapshots take a few minutes to complete, check the progress under My snapshots.

Filter results

Once the snapshot is finished (this can take several minutes depending on the collection size) you can view the results and start filtering.

You can filter the NFT list by attributes, listed status, rented status, lended status, staked status and how much royalties were paid on the last sale.

Held filter

You can filter items by the number of days since the last sale (minimum 7 or 30 days). Note this only accounts for the time since the last sale and not transfers between wallets.

Listed filter

The snapshot will contain information about the listed marketplace supported by Scalp Empire. Use the Listed filter to select if you want to include or exclude listed items.

Rented status

Our snapshot system can detect if items are rented via Cardinal rent or Rentii. In such cases, the owner will be the real owner of the item and not the one that currently rents it.

Lended status

Detects if items are being used as collateral on and borrwed agains. They could pose the risk of default and the owner could change if the borrower does not pay the loan back in time.

Staked status

Checks if items are staked via Cardinal or FloppyLabs staking.

Paid royalties

The snapshot includes the last sale transaction on supported marketplaces. This transaction is analyzed for royalty payments. You can filter by the minimum percentage of royalties paid or by no royalties paid at all. Items that had no sale are always included by this filter as they are considered with royalties paid.

Export data

Once you are happy with your filters you can export the filtered data. There are 2 types of exports available at the moment: Full data and Owners only. Both exports are csv files which can be imported into Excel or used with other tools.

Full data

Includes the filtered list of items in the collection with the following data: NFT address, name, image, rank, owner, listed, rented, lended, staked statuses, listed marketplace, delegated to account and last sale royalties amount.

Owners only

Inludes only the owner and the number of NFTs owned.